
A Different Kind Of Account Terminator

tips to reduce stress while stock tradingThere exists an issue that actually adversely affects trading accounts but is hardly ever mentioned.  The practice of trading is something that is quite aggressive. It pits a person against the entire world- and challenges him or her to survive.

This can be particularly difficult when a person is trying to divide time between trading and all the other things that are permanent fixations in his or her life. It is a fact that trading requires serious concentration. Sometimes, it even calls for the trader to keep thinking about potential trading issues when he or she is involved in other things or endeavors; for example when one is attending to family matters. If a trader is not careful, all the combined demands in his or her life, along with trading, will result in a sort of mental overload.

This can be very dangerous because it will directly affect how the trader views potential trading issues. This does not come immediately. In fact, there are few traders who even realize that they are overburdened with responsibilities. This is because the mind does not actively let an individual know when he or she is stressed with too much responsibility. It just starts to ‘rescue’ him or her from themselves without their permission because it senses that they will be unwilling to give it permission to slow down even if they were aware of the situation.

Most traders who sabotage their own practices are completely unaware that it is their brains that are prompting this even without their permission. The subconscious of the stressed trader simply steps in and rescues the situation by actively eliminating the cause of the stress.

Many traders become stressed because they were unaware that trading would require so much reflection and inspiration. They probably assumed, when starting, that it would be like any other business and they would reap quick rewards as soon as possible. When this is not forthcoming, they can begin to doubt their own abilities and seek for ways to correct their mistake. It will be their subconscious that will be prompting them to do this. The subconscious will make them imagine that all they are doing is competitive trading when they persist to the end, when in reality; they are destroying their own efforts to be successful.

How can traders avoid this?

They can try to ensure that they do not get inordinately stressed prior to beginning their day. It is not normal for ordinary people to question their own thoughts and motives. This is because it becomes stressful if one were to do this every day. Moreover, traders should actively be encouraged to examine their trading motives. This will make them curtail the suggestions of their subconscious when they are stressed, so that they can simply take time to relax when they feel that they are beginning to sabotage their own plans.

It is also important for traders to have adequate knowledge on the latest trading practices. This saves them from having to do guesswork and makes it more possible for them to be successful in their endeavors and confident in any new procedures they wish to try. It may even be necessary for a trader to take a course so as to understand things better, and this should be arranged for.

Trading expertise goes a long way in preventing stress. It can build the type of confidence the enables a trader to confront issues that will propel him to the front. Being recognized as a successful and confident trader will also lead to promotions in the work place.

About The Author

Brian McAboy is a trader, trading coach, and business consultant. He is also a retired Mechanical Engineer and Quality Engineer. He currently resides in South Carolina with his two sons. Having been a business and personal growth enthusiast for over 2 decades, Brian specializes in helping traders and business owners (both present and future) find their success through helping them develop personally to realize both their potential and their dreams. Brian’s years of experience Quality Assurance and Business Consulting allow him to provide unique, effective and refreshing resources to the traders of the world. His focus is helping traders achieve self-sufficiency through the application of Quality and Business principles and practices that result in proficiency and success. The link to his blog is

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1 Comment

  • Reply Damon M. Hart May 21, 2013 at 5:56 am

    When money ‘s tight, how can you grow your business ? Trade for the items you need, say the hosts of A&E’s new show Barter Kings . Traders Steve McHugh and Antonio Palazzola have their own approach to trading up to get what they want — on the premiere episode , the pair worked their way up in a series of six trades from a framed gold Elvis record to a powerboat.

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