
Join A Money Club

If you want to make some serious financial changes in your life but you are finding it difficult to stay on track, you may want to join or start up a money club.   Money clubs consisting of 6 or 7 people is ideal.  It gives everyone a chance to share their own money experiences and provide tips to the group for what’s working for them.

By joining a team of people who are open to sharing their own financial experiences, you will be made to feel accountable to achieving your own financial goals and it will help you to stick to your budget even during tough times.

Connect up with acquaintances, friends, and family members whom you trust and who would keep your situation confidential.  After you have found enough interested people, agree on a time to meet.  Try to meet at least once a month to touch base on how things are going.

Take turns hosting the club meetings and make it fun by providing snacks and beverages.  Each individual should have a chance to share their own financial goals and dreams, both short and long term.  By doing so, members can encourage one another and keep each other accountable.

When you have to answer to others about how you are doing financially, it makes a big difference.  You are going to be highly motivated to walk the walk and not just talk the talk.

If you find that you just don’t have the spare time to join a money club, then participate in online forums that discuss financial issues and make use of the good advice provided.  It may not be quite the same as joining an actual club, but it will still do you some good.

As people we are meant to do things as a community, so why not join a community that has its heart set on becoming financially wise?  You would be surprised at how many people would be interested in joining a money club if you just asked them.  Why not start one today?

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