
8 Ways To Save On Heating In The Winter

Have you turned on your heating system yet? It’s starting to get cold again and many people already have the heaters blasting into the night to keep their homes nice and toasty.

Whether you heat your home with electricity or propane, it can be a huge expense in the winter months. But, there are plenty of things you can do to keep those heating bills down while still keeping your family warm.

Lower Your Thermostat

Maybe you keep your home at a solid 70 degrees in the winter. Try lowering it a couple degrees, to 68 or 67. You’d be surprised how much of a difference this can make in your overall heating bill, and your home is still plenty warm.

Change Air Filters & Properly Maintain Your Furnace

Changing air filters allows for better airflow through the vents and throughout your home, allowing the warm air to more easily access your rooms. This also puts less strain on your furnace, which will help it to last longer.  As well, in order to ensure the longevity of your furnace, be sure to hire a reputable professional to do any necessary Heater Repair.

Even if you don’t need any major repair work done, it’s a good idea to make sure your heating system is working efficiently, and carry out any minor maintenance tasks yourself. If you have a furnace that you need to keep topped up with fuel, make sure that you have scheduled delivery from somewhere like before the cold has a chance to set in. Some companies even offer payment programs to help you save money and avoid massive bills in the winter.

Keep Vents Clear

To keep the warm air flowing through your home, and to allow yourself to lower the temperature of your thermostat, make sure the vents and radiators are not covered by furniture or rugs. It will also put less strain on your furnace since it won’t have to work as hard to warm the house with better airflow.

Winterize Windows

Winterize your windows to keep the warm air from leaking out and the cold air from getting in. You can do this by adding weather stripping to them or getting new, energy efficient windows. Another way that is a little less efficient but more cost-effective is to cover your windows with curtains. Blackout curtains or thick, heavy curtains, will keep the cold out and the heat in the best. Keep the curtains closed at night and while you are away from home.

Program Your Thermostat

 If you live in a newer home with a modern thermostat, you likely have the capability to program it to heat the house to specific temperatures at different times. Pick times when you are away from home or sound asleep to lower the temperature to between 58 and 60 degrees, like when you are at work and the kids are at school. Program the temperature to be warmer, 67-68 degrees, when you are home and awake.

Here’s an example of a schedule that you could use:

5 am to 8 am: 67 degrees

8 am to 5 pm: 60 degrees

5 pm to 11 pm: 67 degrees

11 pm to 5 am: 60 degrees

If you don’t have a thermostat that has this capability or are unsure of how to program your own, try talking to professionals like Modern PHE for assistance.

Bundle Up

 Lower the temperature in your home a few more degrees and stay bundled up inside. Wear warm socks, sweatpants, and long sleeves. Keep blankets in the living room for extra warmth when you are just sitting and visiting with family or watching TV. While you’re at it, make a nice hot cup of tea or cocoa to make it even cozier.

Keep Doors Closed

 Shutting bedroom doors and, of course, any doors that lead out of your home is an easy and free way to save some money on your heating bill. Shut doors of the rooms that are not being used to keep the warm air flowing through the areas where people are congregating. Make sure kids are reminded to close their bedroom doors when they leave for school and to always check that the doors are closed whenever they leave or enter the house.

Use Space Heaters

 Maybe your gas bill gets really high in the winter. Try using energy efficient space heaters to use a small amount of electricity instead of a large amount of propane to keep your home warm when you are there.


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