Travel & Entertainment

15 Cheap Ways to Have Fun

cheap ways to have funYou can have a lot of fun without spending a lot of money.  Try out some of the suggestions below:

 1.  Play board games or card games with family and/or friends.  You can even entertain yourself by playing solitaire or free online games like spider solitaire, mahjong, etc.  

 2.  On a clear night, go stargazing and watch for falling stars.

 3.  Visit your local library.  Take advantage of the free books, movies, and music.  Libraries are a great place to take your kids – instill in them a love for reading and learning.

 4.  Go on a picnic in your favorite park.

 5.  Go sledding.  This is fun even if you don’t have kids.  My husband and I go out once or twice every winter and it makes us feel like we are young again!

 6.  Organize a potluck and host it at your home.  This makes entertaining so easy.  Everyone contributes and it makes for an interesting meal.

 7.  Have a group of friends over to watch movies.  Rent a couple of movies or watch some old ones that you already have.  Make popcorn and enjoy the show!

 8.  Explore local historical sites.  No need to drive too far to see some interesting places. 

 9.  Participate in a progressive supper.  They can be a lot of fun as long as the homes involved aren’t too far apart. You go from one home to another for each course.  So, you may have appetizers at the first home, a salad at the next one, and so on.  It’s a great excuse to eat a lot!

 10.  Get free admission to local concerts and plays by volunteering as an usher.   You can often also watch plays for free on the night of their final dress rehearsal.  They are almost as good as the real thing and you don’t have to spend a penny.

 11.  Watch funny videos on YouTube.  Some of the most entertaining ones I have seen are the Japanese prank videos.  Check them out.  They are great!

 12.  Play around with Google Earth, Google Mars, and Google Moon.  They are great tools.  See if you can find your home.

 13.  Spend time at your local university or college.  They often have lectures, exhibits, concerts, etc. at minimal cost or for free.

 14.  Have a girl’s night and make homemade facials out of honey, bananas, or yogurt.

 15.  Go on a hike on your favorite trails.  Bring along some food and make a day of it.  Or, if you have a bicycle, go for a long bike ride.

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